Saturday, March 14, 2009

Okay so check this out...will you be reading my lame blog in 2016??..well that is if it still exists's seven years from now so I will try;)...apparently according to some psychic dude from India whose apparently very accurate..he said that I'll be married at 27 to an engineer or IT analyst(eeww!)...of the same race (aiyah!! nt mat salleh..*sigh*) and same religion (yay!)...apparently he'll be a really goody hubby...and we'll hve 4 kids and very high chance that 2 of em' will be twins!!...okay that's for personal life...oh yeah and that I'll be very close friends with my brother....He also when on to say that I'd probably be a doctor or someone on a management level with my own business???...and that I won't be studying till February 2010...which means I have a whole year break due to some minor distractions and I'll finish with my studies at 26 (then get married at 27?? whoa that's fast!) ...and I will be going abroad (yaya!) my dad's side country( he doesn't speak english well so I had some lingo problems) I asked where's that...and he said your dad's not malaysian rite...and I was like he said you'll be going somewhere around does that mean England?? London perhaps?...I dunno I don't really like Europe but hey huh...that's all he can see for my future...I dunno whether i should believe this guy but he has been accurate on previous occasions with other people...

Okay now...enough with this whole future stuff...lets talk bout present...hmmm let see..umm oh yeah my dad will be here in M'sia next week after over a month in London so I'm super excited to see's the same feeling I get everytime I find out that he's coming back since I ws a kiddie...I'd get all excited cause I probably didn't see him for over half a year....he normally doesn't like us to pick him up at the I'll wait anxiously at the door the whole day till I here the taxi at the gate then I'd burst out the door to see him and carry the bags in....and my dad has certain signature perfume that he wears ever since I knew him...I have never met anyone else with the same scent so when he arrives the whole house will smell like him ( well he sorta baths himself in that perfume nt less than 10 sprays)...and also when he leaves the house will smell like that for a couple of days....then the whole house will be in a mess because he'll unload he's bag all over the living room which drives my mom up the each of us will get a new bottle of perfume ( it's real cheap in Dubai where he stops over for a few hours) far I've got britney spears for like 3 years( nt typically my fav) in a row now and my mom gets the jennifer lopez one's ( which smell real good!)and Nigel gets some weird guy's perfume which he also uses unnecesarily so it finishes fast...and a giant bag of chocolates...and not those sucky M'sian type kit kat's with 90% sugar...these one's have more milk so they are so super creamy that they melt in your mouth!!! and we won't be in the house for too long when he's around so were always out by 4.00 p.m hunting for some kuih stuff somewhere ( you see I get my sweet tooth from daddy:)...ahh...just of the many things I'm looking forward to when he comes...

Oh yeah but since my dad is not feeling well I'm gonna fetch him from the airport this time which means that I may be making a trip to KL.....I might also go a day earlier cause believe it or not I haven't collected...whch should have been done on the 20th but we've been so busy so I had no time to actually go up and get it...and Nigel's 10 day holiday just started so he may be coming yes I'll be going back to Subang but I don't really know whether I can stick around...hopefully yes...I miss the place and my friends very much!!! ( keep in mind it was home to me for like a year and a half...)..but now I'm at home bumming around...which is kinda getting very entertain myself...I've started a new cross-stitch project...I've just finished an angel one for my mom

...and have just started a picture of a giant fairy princess which is really large so I'll take a month or so to complete it...yeah...and I hve been totally overdosing myself with old music...just because it sounds way more solid than today's music and some by tis artist Kimya Dawson which is so funny..cause I like how it doesn't make sense...but i love rock more than anything so I've been listening to loads of music from the beatles revolver and Abbey road album which is totally superb!!!

...some of Mott the Hoople and I absolutely love their song " all the young dudes" very old school..

and Metallica (okay you may think that this band are the favourite of mat rempits and taxi really it so much more...the guitar and drums are awesome...check out the double pedals and wah-wah on this one! I would strongly recommend "the black album" and "master of puppets album"...I LOVE IT!!) and if you do listen you'll find that the bass in master of puppets is more stronger than that in the black album because the bassist Cliff burton (the best i've ever known) was killed in an accident and replaced by a mediocre Jason Newsted...

and oh speaking of them my bro and he's friend are super fans and he showed me these two videos of them which were super funny ( disregard the guitarist briefly humping the amp..check out what happens to the guitar!!!and the other one is where their own bassist forgets the lyrics and pisses off the vocalist..) and one of this guy (yes it's a guy not a gal:) who can play the lead guitar for their song fade to black very well...just tought i share it with you and oh yeah sorry I kinda shifted stories quite abruptly coz I'm too lazy to write too many entries..... till then TTFN;)