Wednesday, July 15, 2009

~A Little Message~

For those of you who have viewed my recent status updates on're probably puzzled as to why I'm in hospital...and just to clear the I have not been admitted but rather my father has been for the past week!...I would not go into detail to explain the reasons but he is not doing to well and I have been staying over to take care of him and don't worry about me I am doing this time I would appreciate your prayers for my dad's speedy recovery..thank you very much=)

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I have so many posts to complete but don't have the time haha....I started on this tag by Hannah and then got interrupted and totally forgot bout's past midnight but yeah I' totally free..yay! here goes;)

1.Besides your lips, where is the favorite spot to get kissed??
>> Geez I bout the hand...u noe in that prince charming style...wait nope...that's nt it...hickies?? too boring...well we'll just have to wait see;)

2.How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
>> I can't even remember....oh yeah I probably did not want to...nigel was of to church camp so i had no one to irritate...and that makes me happy sooo I guess I was sad???

3.Who was the last person/people you took a photo with?with Justina?
>> One of my dad's weird relatives came to visit and thought it would be fun to take a pic of me and my dad in which case he got really annoyed being camera shy and asked her to stop...haha

4.Would you consider yourself spoiled?
>>Not by choice

5.Will you ever donate blood?
>> Nope but I should I'm an O+...oh yeah the real good stuff=)

6.Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
>> I wouldn't say best friend...just an acquaintance like any other all friends are special in their own way;)

7.Do you want someone to be dead?
>> Oh dear Lord NO!...I do hate but never sincerely wish they were dead!

8.What does your last text message say?
>> Can't remember it's been ages since I've seen my phone haha..

9.What are u thinking right now?
>> Right after mom falls asleep I'm gonna take over the tele and play "bully"...while greedily midnight snacking on Rocky...hehe

10. Do you want someone to be with you now?
>> Yes!! Nigel please I'm bored!

11.What was the time you went to bed last night?
>> Bout I normally do...well that counts as morning so no I didn't go to sleep last night..haha

12.Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
>> Mydin...the Malaysian version of Tesco

13.Is someone on your mind right now?
>> Michael Jackson...:(

14.Who was the last person to text you?
>> Celcom reminding me to pay my bill

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz...
>>Anyone who comes across this tag...that is if you want to

16. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
>> Male duhhh...he's my dad what were you thinking?

17. If no. 7 and and no. 1 get together, would it be good?
>> Uhmmm I guess not?

18. What is no. 10 studying about?
>>He's studying...??...SPM...the most useless exam evcr...wish I could relieve him of his misery..

19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
>> Yesterday

20. Is no. 4 single?
>> I won't lie yes...but I love it=)

21.Say something about no. 2.
>> She needs to get her sodding ass outta bed and do something with her life!

22.What do you think about no. 2 and no. 6 being together?

23.Describe no. 9.
>> A master plan that's still pending

24. What will you do if no. 6 and no. 7 fight?
>> Too lazy to scroll up to see haha

25. Do you like no.8?
>> Yes I do sorry I don't spend much time with you:(
