Friday, December 30, 2011

Ponder This...

If your reason to want to work it out is that you still love this person, think about what self respect means. Get a little therapy. Take a little time. Think about how this person treated you by lying and cheating. Love is hard, and most of us at one time or another has loved the wrong person. But spending your life with a person that clearly does not love you back is a horrible thing to do to yourself. It's soul sickening.

Let's make this clear: You deserve to be loved. This person does not love you. No matter what they've said out of guilt or fear, they do not love you. Nuff said!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

And you thought I was dead...

Well think again...very much alive but then again slowly's a bitter pill to stuck in my throat....leaving the most unimaginable bitter aftertaste. As for updates well it's been almost a year if I'm nt sorely I haven't been inspired to update till now just because I feel there is so much left unsaid:(...feeling very tempted to start now...but still in the midst of my blocks which has been a total disaster to say the least...okay maybe I'm over-exaggerating but my nature renders me a perfectionist in that if I do something it has to be precise and meticulous..something I've been trying to fix about myself but am unable...see I like to take everything into detail...I get bothered easily by minute discrepencies therefore i have a habit of trying to 'fix'...but alas I've come to learn that not everything is worth salvation and to be honest it drives me insane! and.................I have strayed but yes...main point...I have my pharmacology exams tomorrow and nope I'm not even halfway I will leave now but I shall return with more nonsense on how life is for me at least=)..TTFN!! XD