Monday, February 23, 2009

Mama told me there'll be days like these:$

Hello again...long time no blog..well actually malaslah hehe....things are nt looking very bright rite now..well firstly my dad's not well and has to undergo surgery for the removal of his stomach .I am very worried bout him but hey the one thing I know bout my dad is that he's a fighter and he has been through this with God's help and constant prayer I know he'll get through this. My dad has opted not to have the surgery here but in London he's there rite now and my mom will be leaving us tomorrow to be there with him:(..for a month which leaves me here alone with Nigel..I agreed to stay and look after my NASTY sibling for a month (oh wat joy!) mom's really worried bout him with his SPM comin up and all!...and plus we can't really afford 2 plane tickets to freakin London so it's best that my mom goes:)...

Seriously though I've come to appreciate all the things my mom has done to run the household coz trust me it ain't easy..I've got to get up early every morning to wake Nigel up...get down stairs make his breakfirst..give him his vitamins...send him off to school...then I have to decide what to cook for the day...which means I have to do the marketing (well actaully I'm gettin a lil' help from my mom's cuz in that department) I have to decide how much and what to I have to keep track of the grocery stuff that's finishing in the hse like eggs..milk...light soy sauce...dark soy sauce...blah blah blah ble blah blah...and then do the dishes...seperate the clothes for washing ...put em' to wash according to colour and type...dry em' fold em'( and mind you cleanaholic nigel goes through 3 pairs a day nt including school uniorm which has to be hand-washed and the clothes he wears to tuition...that's about 5 classes a week!)...then when he gets back make sure he eats his food and STUDIES!!!( I have to practically force him becouse he still thinks he's gonna be a rockstar kick ass guitarist someday so yeah..I DON'T NEED TO STUDY COZ I BET SLASH IS STUPID!...ahhh plz!!)...and then make sure he gets to bed early set his alarm clock ( although it's no use I still have to wake him up!)..and start all over the next day!...Okayyy now that I think bout it that's a lot of shizzz!

If that was not bad enough my stupid tooth started to ache...(okay well actually it's my fault I should have gone to the dentist months ago but didn't give a rat's ass)...well it all happened last know the saying "an apple a day keeps the docter away!" well bullshit!...I bit into a freakin apple and it chipped my tooth...but it did't hurt so I didn't months when on I think the hole got a bigger nad bigger until finally yesterday it literally STRUCK A NERVE....the pain was excrutiating!!! like somebody taking a knife and stabbing it through you gums!!...this time I absolutely had to check in with the doc! appointment was at 10 that's what the grumpy receptionist VERA DE SEQUIERA told me..( yeah i remembered her name coz she was my mom's old schoolmate who was shitty then as she is now!)...I had to wait a whole freakin hour before it was actually my turn to go!!! but somehow I was not scared at all although the sound of the drill echoed in my ear..I guess it was the amount of practice I had since primary always having to get my holes filled whenever those BRUTAL dentist paid a surprise visit in school...they would drill right to my gums!! (it feels like you're being given an electric shock everytime they do it!) but this was private so I reckon itcouldn't be that bad...

So when I finally got in and I should say that his room was astonishingly sanitised not a speck of dirt in sight...I even had to remove my shoes before getting in...and there it was the CHAIR!!! an upgrade from the usual dentist chairs it was auto...felt like a massage chair...totally comfy!...I remember in school the dentist chair collapsed when one of the girls got on it haha!...and out of no where I heard a kind voice say "Good Morning Sonia are you scared??" and I was like "Nope!:)"...Dr. Nagen had that surgical mask on so I couldn't really make out his from what I could see it really resembled OBAMA haha...yeah no kidding!...unlike the other docs who dived right into my mouth he actually asked me what I explained and he laughed!!!(prob coz he thought it sounded too far-fetched) he put a lil' medicine to numb the area and took a look see...he sighed and said.."okay here's the thing..from what I see it's pretty deep so I'll giv you an injection to see whether it has reached your nerves but there is a good chance that it has..if not I'll just fill it up but if it has...."I interupted and said.." you'll extract it??"..then he clamly said " No, no...dear..we'll have to do a ROOT CANAL! because you're still young and that's a very important tooth!"...I gasped in horror!!

So unfortnately it turned out that yes I had to do a root canal!!...this I did not like because
#1: I heard it's very painful!

#2: It costs a bomb and all because of a apple...shizz!

anyway I agreed and the cost..well RM480!!...I paid for it though cause I didn't wanna trouble the folks...and so part 1 of 3 started today!..dude it felt like major surgery...there were like 4 helpers around doing the suctioning and the others passing him tools..and VERA came along to watch coz she was such a kepoh and I could see her from the reflection making all sorts of faces as he drilled into my tooth...ughh what a wimp! first he said "I'm gonna give you an injection through the nerves to numb the area and it's gonna be painful but try not to move!"..and I was like "Okie" I swear he was so fast I didn't feel a thing! he kept asking me..."does it hurt?...if it does just raise your hand"...but I seriously felt nothing and the whole thing went smoothly no PAIN at all!!...and before I knew it he was like okay you're done!...but he
did tell me I had to come back next week and the week after to follow up but the worst was over!...THANK GOD!! but really I was impressed...he gave me a couple of antibiotics and pain meds and that's it...I no longer fear the dentist!!;)..

So that was my day so far...nt looking forward to tomorrow coz i gotta send my mommy off...gonna miss her very month is a long time...but I think Nigel is most sad...he doesn't wanna even talk bout it...guess coz he has never left my mom's side from the day he was born...poor him......well that's all for now...oh yeah and tomorrow is ash wednesday for us Catholics which starts the fasting I think I'm gonna cut meat out of my died and go veggie...maybe we'll see gotta make some sacrifices;)...till then TTFN...


MisC^2 said...

Hey hey! I hope your dad is alright! I'm sure he'll be fine cuz from what I heard, he's the fighter (as you said) and he won't give in that easily! =D

And about your tooth, OUCHIES!!!!! Let that be prove that that silly phrase isn't reliable in this modern day and age. The apple's probably been injected with too much hormones till it's as tough as a rock or something.
