Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I've been tagged

Tagged by Hannah Banana;)

Rules : Once you've been tagged you gotta write a note with 20 random things, fact ,habits and or goals about you. At the end choose 20 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you!
  • I made a new year's resolution to give up chocolate at LEAST for a year..but have yet to keep up to it till this very fact I ate almost half a bar yesterday!!!
  • I have an acoustic and two electric guitars courtesy of my dad but am unable to play a C chord in tune because I have a little trouble developing callus on my fingers:( so it sounds a little muffled when I strum the guitar but hey I'm still learning!!!
  • Most people think (I mean considering my age and all) that I've actually reached grade 8 in classical piano...but I actually gave it up after grade 1 and enrolled myself in a course in which I learn to play it by ear without notes...and I have done so ever since.....
  • I'm ashamed of some of my family members attitudes ( I will not mention who) towards people less fortunate than themselves...labelling them as "survivors". This went against every thing I stand for and believe in!! I honestly thought that people like them only existed as bad examples in moral books and nothing more! Apparently not!
  • I can't sleep without a bolster and still sleep on my tummy...just like I did when I was a baby!
  • Most people do not believe that I'm the kinda girl who listens to heavy metal music as well as music from the 70's and 80's. I prefer them to most of today's musics genres...
  • When I was 10 I took a puff of my aunt's half lit cigarette bud and decided never to go down that path ever again...
  • I dislike carbonated drinks like coke or Pepsi because it feels like I'm swallowing acid for some reason!
  • I unconsciously start biting my nails whenever I'm nervous...especially when it gets closer to important examination dates...before I now it they're all gone!!
  • I have an obsession with flavoured lip balms...I have them in strawberry, peach, cherry ,butterscotch, milkshake, marshmallow, green tea and so on...
  • I previously wanted to become a gynaecologist or paediatrician because I love taking care of babies and toddlers and also because I feel that they are the most innocent of all humans:)
  • I love watching Jon and Kate plus 8 because it's amazing to see how they fit perfectly as a family despite having 8 small kids!!
  • I currently have 5 piercings..2 on each year and 1 on my nose and I plan to get more in the future...
  • I knew for a fact that my previous house was haunted because I used to see a shadowy figure lurking around my room at night but my mom told me that I was imagining it...only recently (after moving to the new house) she has admitted to having seen it too!!!
  • I find it very interesting to argue with atheist's because i like to see their reactions to death...they say they will cease to exist, so I say.."wait doesn't that scare you?"and they go all numb!
  • People find it very hard to believe that my dad works overseas and only visits twice a year!! but I never felt it because it has been this way ever since I was born!!
  • I have a car but have not actually driven it out anywhere although I have had my driving licence for over a year now because my mom worries that something will happen to me!
  • I personally cannot stand clutter and dirt (maybe it's just how my mom raised me...she herself is a cleanaholic!)
  • I punched a boy right in the face once and made him cry!! until this day he does not dare to come near me! hehe
  • I do not like to wear white or bright colours so almost half my closet is filled with black outfits!!
    Daim(i really want to tag you but you're too lazy to get a blog!!! so get one!!)

and anyone else lah...I don't have a particular list of twenty;)..It's cool if you dun wanna do it but it would be fun if u did!Rules: Once you've been tagged you gotta write a note with 20 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose