Saturday, January 31, 2009

It waz my place....DO NOT make it yours!!!

How would you describe my place residences???...grotesque? gross? nasty? icky? sick??...well in short all of that and much more...this piece of hell waz where i waz forced 2 stay for a year and a half when completing my A levels in Subang...sorry i didn't post this earlier thnx 2 d min0r mishap I had with my laptop bt as promised here it is....these are d original pics I took wit my phone...

If ur wonderin? yes it's tap water and yes it's flowing into the washing machine along with all sorts of sludge....and when we drained it into the drain even the cockroaches scurried out of drain...I think we had ourselves a pretty solid reason as to why our clothes remained unwashed for weeks! ummm... we did complain along with d rest of my place's residents bt as expected nothing was done about the bath water is just as dirty and plus it has this foul sort of either rusty or putrid smell depending on how dirty the water is...

This one is the bathroom area with some kind of mould growing on the sink and under d soap dish and u obviously would nt wanna hang ur towel on that rusty bar! disgusting!!

Haha..yes the trash....don't get me wrong it's nt that we deliberately make a mess...i've tried my best to make it more cleaner...even bought a freakin dustbin on my own expense bt sumhow it juz seems to pile up...well actually we pay them to clean the hse and take out the trash every since there waz too much trash I would occasionally take it and throw it out let me tell u it waz nt pretty...once as I waz carrying the trash out I felt like there waz sum ants crawling up my hands....when I looked down I saw.....MAGGOTS!!!....owh gross!!!. I waz half way thru the living room so I couldn't juz drop the trash down so I started squashing those icky things coz I didn't want them gettin into my clothes...the second time I waz takin out the trash wit cassie nt realising that sum1 threw a half open bottle of coke into the bin so as we carried it out coke spilt all over the living room floor which made it sticky after we wiped it off....lucky for us we wore home slippers...God knows wat germs would get into our feet otherwise!!!

This waz my room (Thank God!!)...and check it out when they were fixing the fan they didn't really take good measurements did they???....this waz a real scary experience for me...when I first came in I had no idea that this waz so...and while unpacking I opened the top cupboard without offing the fan(luckily the speed waz on low)...n KABOONG!!!!! first instinct waz to run out of the room in fear that the fan might fall onto me which it didn't phewww! close call! it waz totally bent out of shape so I waz forced to get a new one fixed!!!....this waz nt the first time that this has happened....a girl who waz previously in the room got into the same mess and had to replace the fan...I waz thinking since it was those 'my place' idiots who fixed the new fans twice...why couldn't they do something about the placement of the fan or maybe actually warn us of the danger when they were giving us the "grand" tour of the apartment??? .....maybe they got some kind of cheap trill from watchin' students make the same mistakes again and again...ughh SADISTS!!! for the light it never got fixed until I waz finally leaving the apartment although I followed their stupid procedure of filling out a complaint form months ago!.....I swear I never wanna have to step foot into that apartment ever again! EVER!

It has been mths now and haven't refunded my deposit of RM1, my mom called up the office to give them a piece of her mind!!!....they were like " oh...ahh wait ahhh let me check...oh okay ah miss....we juz send to u the check lo". ...I think if my mom didn't inquire the cheque would have never arrived in the first PLEASE ...I URGE YOU! if ur plannin 2 study at Taylor's....DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT stay at MY PLACE!!....TTFN;)


MisC^2 said...

Quite exciting at times though! =P

Hey Sonia! We lived to tell the many tales encountered by the past residents of unit P168 of My Place apartment! Wahahaha!

sonia_applepie said...

I agree...we survived...pity those still surviving it...hoohoohehehahaha(evil laughter) cumin 2 think of it I still haven't put up the 'candlelight' pics...c there were fun times there as well...

SnowCharms said...

Oh dear lord, you can't be serious! Is this what MyPlace Apartment is realy like?! I didn't think that it would be this bad, all I had found out about the area was that it was a hotspot for snatch theives.

I'm planning on going to Taylors next year, but I've not decided on accomodations just yet.

I was thinking of getting my dad to buy a private apartment so that it could be rented out after I'm done with it, but after seeing the condition of the bathroom and water alone, I'm not sure if I want to even set foot on that place.

Is there anything else that you can tell me about the place and surrounding area? Anything at all that you think might be important/interesting/useful to a newbie?

I'm sorry to bother you about this, but any advice or details that you can give me will be very much appreciated, since I don't know anyone who stays there.