Here are the videos of the songs....you be the judge.... for me does it sound exactly the same??..well nope juz the chorus I think bt still sumthin 2 ponder upon..... and fyi it took me so freakin long 2 figure out hw 2 put these videos in becoz i'm so nt tech savvy....so tada!! here it is and I'll give myself a lil' pat on the back for effort;)
"If I could Fly" by Joe Satriani
"viva la vida" by Coldplay
Okaylah!....I think that's about all I can think of for now... today is prob gonna be shity...coz I have to attend another one of those 3 hour IELTS workshops and at midnight I'm gonna find that I really have no future...so yeah it pretty much sucks to be me rite about now bt hey don't let my pessimistic ways dampen ur sunshiny day...and pls smile always there's nothing uglier than a sourpuss;)TTFN ....oh and u would prob notice that there is a long stretch of empty space after this post...well juz so you know I dunno why it's there...dunno how to get rid of it and basically gave up in trying...hehe...
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