Thursday, January 15, 2009

We all gotta bounce...

I'm sooo very sad dad is leavin for kuwait 2moro after a whole 6 weeks wit me...I tried 2 persuade him 2 stay although i knew it waz impossible since he's already gt the ticket and all....I juz noe d hse is gonna be so quiet once he's gone...nobody there 2 wake me up early in the mornin' wit breakfast ready more crazy suprises or sudden trips 2 kl or trips in the evening 2 look for fresh more fresh supply of fruits although the ciku's he gave me 2day had a few worms in it...well we both ate it n i feel fine so far...(well of course i threw the rest of it away the moment i noticed the worms in it!...yucks!)....hehe I waz so engrossed in American Idol so I waz almost halfway thru when my mom noticed them wiggling in the fruit!

Oh ya if u watched 2 u would have seen JASON CASTRO(omg he's sooo cute)...can't say much 4 he's bro tho bt they've both gt talent;)...As 4 me I'll be leavin 4 kl on sunday coz my dad made me go for the IELTS classes from monday to thurs...I dun mind as long as I can meet up wit Chand and gang:)...I miss u guyz i hope u guyz r still around!!!....As 4 Nigel he's finally goin bak 2 skool afta a 4 day vacation...courtesy of the measles(God I hope I dun get it)...Anyway dats all for nw....TTFN;)...sorry my blogs r very short coz my mom grubles dat spend 2 much time on the com......