The world is just so nasty isn't it..somehow people take pleasure in other people's misfortune...when someone living a seemingly perfect life takes a fall they go like.."huh!...there you go I told you they weren't perfect...hahaha...they have a sucky life...yay!! now I can rest in peace" me growing up I've met a lot of idiots like these that just make me sick!! and I'm still meeting them along the way!....people are not all nice and sweet they have "evil"...feelings about you..just full of "the green-eyed monster"....
By now even if you don't watch the show Jon and kate plus'd have already heard of Jon and Kate Gosselin and the supposed "affair" that Jon had with some mindless's publicised for the world to see...every tiny bit of detail...I mean come on every family has problems and this one could have been dealt with by the couple in a more private and personal matter but the media pounced on them relentlessly bringing out accusations after accusations....and somehow although this whole problem was started by Jon they somehow managed to turn the story around and make Kate the "monster mom"..calling her money greedy and all sorts....I mean put the pieces together people if you had eight kids you need to have money to support them...duh!..they probably started the show to help them out financially because adjusting to a life with 8 little kids with income from only one spouse is not enough to cut it .
Now that the media has sort of succesfully torn this family to shreds....they just won't leave Kate and the kids alone...I mean hey leave her alone...if she wants to work and find money the best way she knows how for her kids....then just leave her to it....afterall her sodding hubby is probably out fehking( xcuse my language) his blow up bimbo...go mess with him instead....think of the kids what kind of life of life will they have being constantly hounded by the paps....should they even know what paps are I mean they're only 5!!! now that everybody is siiting back and enjoying the mess they've made by destroying this family have they evenntaken a second to think about the and dad are living apart...why???...why are there sooo many people taking pics of us???...why do people stare at us like that??? what have they done to deserve this??...why don't we see aunt Jodi and uncle Kevin anymore??? (oh and did I mention that even Kate's bro and sis-in-law are backstabbing her..because they don't get a fair share of money??...unbelievable)
It's just so sad I've been watching this kids grow for years and this is what it has come to because of nosey people who won't stay out of other ppls business???....all I can say is I feel bad for the kids...having to be in a broken home at such a tender age...just hope that everything gets better for them...fingers are some pics in case you don't know them..sorry for overloadin but they're just so cute...I had to post tonnes;)
The kiddies:
The older twins Cara and Mady

Mady Kate Gosselin:

Cara Nicole Gosselin:

The Sextuplets;)

Collin Thomas Gosselin:

Aaden Jonathan Gosselin:

The Sextuplets;)
The boys:
Joel Kevin Gosselin:

Collin Thomas Gosselin:

Aaden Jonathan Gosselin:

Alexis Faith Gosselin:

Hannah Joy Gosselin:

Owhhhh...I watched their shows!
Unfortunately, bad news were spreading everywhere when Jon and Kate filed their divorce thingy...=(
They have adorable children.
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