Saturday, June 6, 2009

We come from the land of the ice and snow.....from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow..........

Oklah...heh..I know I should be grateful and lucky for getting to go do medicine...but in India??? could be a better cuz just gave me a heads up on the area...and I think it's gonna be pretty dull...ugh! malls?? tv??...vegetarian food??...with the exception of fast food joints of course...( happy though that there is subway and they deliver food to your doorstep...and there is BACON!!)...but otherwise my cuz said that it was like eh...boring!...blah!.

See there was a small thingy that had to be done before I could get my visa...cause my dad paid the i had one last thing to do which was send this application form to IPT( idk wat it stands for I think Institut Pengajian Tinggi???...whatever)...bottom line I had to get it approved in order to go to India...if I didn't the college would refund the full amount and I get rejected...okay I know that this is bad but I kinda felt that I'd be indifferent regardless of the outcome..heheh...I thought if I get rejected I still had my options open and didn't have to go to India...but if I got it I feel great cause my future was all planned out and I at least know what I was gonna do with my life!...( heh...stupid rite??..I know I'm weird like that;) anyways I called them and guess what it yeah I didn't know how to feel...I'm happy but yet not over the moon happy...just eh happy..

Oh well so I'm soooo going to India this sept leaving the comforts of home and home cooked food and trading it for complete isolation and hardcore studying...but hey at least the outcome is good .....fingers crossed...oh yeah I forgot to mention that my approximate year of completion is 2015...most of my friends will be done by then...already working and settled down with a family...ugh oh well...all for the good of the people...we'll hve to see...i mite reconsider...

And you thought I was gonna just waste my free time...heck no! know how guitar hero is only meant for PS3...well I have a PS2 so I got one compatible for this console...and a pretty rocking V (fake) guitar..It's so cute along with it...OMG it's the coolest thing I know why people love it sooo's addictive...I can stop..and mind you it's not as easy as it looks...I currently a playing Guitar Hero..."Rock The 90's " which I love and "World Tour"

but of course I really wanna get "Legends of Rock"

....but I need to get a USB microphone for that which I can get...but I can't have the ultimate all time must have."Guitar Hero METALLICA"...because it only can be played on PS3...I hope they make one compatible for PS2...please God please!!!!!

or "Guitar hero Led Zeppelin"...ahhhhh dream!!!

....well I got some more to write...but am going to KL...yes KL!!! I gotta get packed...TTFN...peeple!!!!!