Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I guess it was fate ..I was not meant to lose this phone just couldn't imagine my relief when I found it...I practically turned my house upside down just to find it ....took me three days but alas I found it...and that day was special;)

Why special...well some of you may believe some of you may not...but I always did being a see we believe in saints and each particular saint has his special gift to help us this instance it would be St. Anthony who is known as the finder of lost great grandmother had always told my grandmother ever since she was little that whenever she loses or misplaces something precious to pray to St. Anthony for help and this my grandmother taught my mom and my mom passed it onto me...and I can honestly say that none of my prayers have gone unanswered...every time I lose something this special prayer always helps me find it and in the most unlikely of all places...the places we probably searched a thousand times...but something always tells you to go check again...or maybe it just appears out of nowhere... literally!

My mom once told me that when she was younger that she had lost a fifty dollar note (mind you that was big money back in the time)...she looked all over and couldn't find it and she had been many places with the money so it could have fallen down as she was sitting in her porch all of a sudden there was this gust of wind and a piece of paper slapped her right across her face... low and behold it was the fifty dollar note!!...amaizing! for the phone I could swear that I looked in every possible place I could think off...then all of a sudden my uncle asked me too go check my room but I told him that I had already done it tonnes of times....but the phone was no where in sight..

He told me to do it anyway because he had a strong feeling that it was I looked through my cupboard...cleared my bed...dressing name it...but still no sight of the phone...but in my head I kept repeating the prayers to St. Anthony in hopes that it would show up...then as I was leaving the room my attention turned to the small laundry basket my mom keeps in the corner of my room where she stores the hangers and socks but I was thinking no way it could be in there I don't even touch it...but i checked anyway...and to my surprise as I lifted up a bunch of socks my hand phone fell right into the palm of my heart stopped!!!...I couldn't believe it...and the most special thing about that day is that it was the day we Catholics celebrated the feast of St. Anthony...I am so grateful that he answered my prayers yet again...but yes I did learn a valuable lesson about being a little more responsible with my stuff and where I put them;)...p/s : the pic above is of St. Anthony carrying little baby Jesus...too cute!! we have the same statue in church!!