Monday, August 10, 2009

My Hero

It has been two weeks since my dad has left me...I didn't have the strength to pen it down..but i have picked up enough courage to say it now..I swear life is not the same...a million things remind me of him...and if I have to express my grieve i do it by myself because I have to remain a "rock" for my mother, brother and's not easy but it's a task that i would willingly undertake because I love these three more than life times I question why?...but then I believe God has he's plans and everything happens for a reason...I am spiritual and I believe in life after death so NO my dad is not truly gone...I am grateful for the time i had with my dad this past year...never have I had the chance to spend that much time with him...the most I got to spend him if ever before this was a month and yet I see him in everything...I know my dad would never want me to be sad and knowing that he is in a better place truly makes me happy...he has been a very good, kind and compassionate person on earth and will get his due reward in Heaven I believe...I was right there by his side right till the very end and the one thing I could remember was how peaceful he was as he gently passed on and I knew that at that moment he had abandoned all life's worries and day I wish to have the same and I believe at that moment is when we will meet again:)


Anonymous said...

sonia,i'm sooo sorry to hear this.why didnt u tell us ealier hunny?.stay strong.i hope u,ur brother and ur mum can go thru this well.may ur dad rest in pray for him always.take care sweetie.i love u!.

cherylyn said...

my deepest condolences to you and your family. stay strong sonia. *hugs*

kira max said...

sonia... u take care ok.. well, the last time i talk to u was in sunway.. after that totally lose contact dy.. i know is not tat easy to be rock at all.. juz dun force urself too much... expressing urself out is not a bad thing at all..



sonia_applepie said...

Hey guys I really appreciate ur concern...don't worry about me I'm okay...I might take some time to recover from my loss but I will be okay...promise;)
P/S...siang do you have a blog?

kira max said...

ya..i have.

~leYing~ said...

Sonia, I'm so sorry to heard this.
Stay strong girl!