Monday, December 22, 2008

H20 Blows!

I am sooo very clumsy!!!...arghhh i despise myself!..u would nt believe wat i did!...ok i'll juz spill it out!...wait i did all over my laptop!!!!...

As i was carrying my cup of water i tripped on my own foot (yes my own foot can u imagine dat!) and spilled the water all over my keyboard!...yikes!...ummm...think quick sonia! shut it down...i ran to gt a hairdryer to dry it dad waz in the all I heard him say waz..."shut it down"..."short circuit"...and "corrosion".....i couldn't make out the rest of wat he waz saying...well obviously i waz freakin out!

After drying as much water off as possible...I switched it back on keepin my fingers crossed the whole my horror 50% of the keys were busted!..if I didn't dry it in time i could have lost the mouse or the whole laptop all together!!

My dad waz sooo pissed..."ur such a clumsy girl...i leave u juz 4 one minute and look at the mess u've done!!...i told u water is the greatest enemy of could have short-circuited...blah..blah...blah"..spoken like a true engineer..(bluekk:P no offence)..ummm yeah as for those comments i so effortlessly made about how lame engineering or any stuff to do with physics waz..hehe i take it back well for now;)

So where is the laptop u ask?? dad sent it for it'll take a couple of weeks before i see it again:(...well i did learn a valuable lesson on safety involving electrical least i have the new laptop...which has absolutely nothin' in it!...oh well i should be at least thankful that i have a new one for my christmas present(it waz absolutely unecessary at first bt of course nw it isn't) i still prefer my older one it has been with me for almost two years now....and i'm nt about 2 let it go just yet...well TTFN:)