Wednesday, December 17, 2008

so who am I anywayz??

#1:I'm a girl..

#2:I'm from a small town called
malacca..or "melaka" 4 tha locals

#3:I'm pretty short..say bout 5'4"

#4:can't stand "teeny bopper" shows and"high school musical/camp
rock?..i mean come on!

#5:can't sit in 1 place 4 too long..

#6:most important ppl in my life is
God,my family and faithful friends

#7:work better under pressure

#8:do nt know where i'd be without

#9:love cross stitch

#10:don't like will
eat salads.occasionaly

#11:am a germaphobic..can't stand dirt!

#12:think that celebrities do nt
deserve the amt of money that they
earn while the "average joe"
strives for minimal wage

#13:would most prob be a hippie if i
were a 70's teen

#14:despise rich ppl who waste money on
branded stuff which looks terrible
on them and throw uneccesary lavish
#15:support equality for all

#16:do not believe in starving oneself
to get skinny

#17:believe that if ur a nasty person
u'll get wat u deserve and i'm pretty certain
it ain't gonna be pleasant

#18:still enjoy 80's music

#19:still watch "the bold and the

#20:believe that money won't buy you
love and happiness

#21:realize that i'm not perfect..
bt am grateful 4 wat God has given

#22:do nt like to sleep in the dark..

#23:believe in ghosts and aliens..=_+

#24: am closer to my brother

#25:do nt like anime or manga..also
happy tree friends

#26:do nt like ppl who act like they know
you but really don't

#27:wish that war of any sort would end

#28:would give my mom the world if I

#29:can go on and on but will nt reach
a definite conclusion......

#30:will stop now before i bore you to


Anonymous said...

#7:work better under pressure
yess i saw that!!

#10:don't like veggie
yeayyyy.give me 5!

#18:still enjoy 80's music
soo true.dats u!!

#25:do nt like anime or manga..also
happy tree friends
hahaha.i love this most!!.i can smell smthng!!.;)

nway,cant wait for talyors trash post!.

cherylyn said...

wohoo sonia!
i link you k :)

sonia_applepie said...

hey cheryl can't find ur blog wats ur link??