Monday, December 15, 2008


Recently...while shopping with my mom, as expected I ran short of dough..well no prob haha juz stick my card in d magic machine that spews out money on command...better known as "atm" never fails me EVER dat is until...

It sucks my card in and shuts down!!!...SHIT ate my card!!!...there waz no way of gettin it out..suddenly it re-opens and resumes it's function as normal!!!!...the nerve!
Oh man!! dat waz it I stared in disbelief..then started cussin' da machine like crazy!! *sighed* coz my card waz obviously gone:(

The nxt man used the machine and got his card and money...and so did the nxt lady...and so on...urgggh why me...haven't i lost my card one 2 many times already???

The nxt day I went 2 the main office 2 report it and they told me dat there waz sumthin wrong wit my card.."impossible" I's brand new...they refuse 2 admit that it waz a freakin gliche' in the system...and insisted i pay 2 get a new first i refused bt they went on 2 say dat if i didn't pay 2 get a new one it'll take em' 2 weeks 2 send my card by waz then when i realised this waz one of the bank's stupid money making scheme...and of all ppl i fell victim 2 it!!

The only good thing wa dat i gt a new prettier looking debit it doesn't change the fact thati'm still pissed!!!!


MisC^2 said...

Sonia!!! Welcome to the world of blogging! Hehe.. XD

Pretty neat first post: atm ate your card. So how are you? If you do go My Place, please take a picture or two of the two kitties PLEASE~~~ (^.^)