Sunday, May 3, 2009

Finally something...

Hey all...sorry I never seem to be able to fill the blog with any stuff...not that I don't have anything I'm just lazy as since I'm sooo terribly bored today, I finally decided to get my lazy ass off the sofa and walk approximately 5 giant steps into the kitchen where the laptop is ( I know what your thinking not a good place for a laptop after my whole water incident) but my dad insists that it should be kept here for the convenience of others who wanna use MY here I am giving' my phalanges due exercise...I wonder if I can still hold a pen straight?...geez

So well...firstly staying at home is not exactly easy peezy lemon squeezy...I gotta work as in do the dishes and other household chores...actually I don't mind it, just that currently there are three males(no offence) staying in the house so they leave a lot of mess around...and they hardly ever wash their dishes and stuff...well I'll xcuse my dad coz he's still not well...speaking of that...I am mostly helping my dad...and driving him around coz he's still too weak to drive and he had to get a couple of blood transfusions coz he's hemoglobin level s I sometimes spend up to 6 hours in the hospital which is pretty cool but at times killer boring..honestly speaking I don't really like doctors..they're a little too stuck up and they charge too much for just consultations which really makes me wonder if they really love the profession or whether they're just in it for the money...I dunno bout local GP's...coz I was at the specialist centre so they were mostly specialists.....

Some of them are too greedy I think because they try to get as many patients as possible booked into one day that it's almost impossible to get through all of them...this doc told my dad to come at 8 in the morning and when we got there there were about another 20 odd patients waiting there turn...that they actually asked us to take a number! wtf?...then what's the main idea of making an appointment..I really felt bad for my dad...he was forced to get up early although he was really tired and he was scheduled for an endoscopy after the appointment so he had to starve from the day before...and by the time he got to us it was already 11...senseless??...don't they realize that they are treating the sick and not random people??? while waiting I brought my dad for a walk around the hospital and went to check out my most fav place the NURSERY!!!....I love to see the newborns cause they're firstly so adorable and innocent some of them less than a couple of hours old...with no idea how shity, difficult and harsh the world is...I so envy them!

I have always wanted to get a job involving infants or little my options were to either be a kindie teacher, nurse or dad disagreed with the first two...and he wanted me to be a doctor...I don't mind it but I dread the long hours and as I mentioned above I don't like em'...but I get to be around kiddies which I would love if I did specialize in paediatrics or maybe gynaecology anyway I applied to Manipal recently which makes sense coz the college is right in front of my house so I don't have to pay for lodging for the final three years...but for the first two years I'd be in some place called I don't know where that is but I guess it should be's only two years which is approximately the same amount of time I spent at least I hope i done end up in anotha "my place " ...that would kill me seriously!!

So I got the interview letter last week which was a good thing coz the admin lady said that it meant that I was about 90% sure of getting a place but still needed the interview to confirm it though...and I was so sure that I was gonna screw it up because I'm not a good talker and I might reach a point where I might just run out of words and stare blankly at the interviewer which would be a total I am a total noob when it comes to interviews.....I was totally lucky that one of nigel's friend's mom was in charge of admissions and she gave me a couple of tips for the interview....basically I had to write an essay about myself in an I was thinking.....and realised that my life was pretty boring..coz i was not an athlete or I couldn't bullshit some random stuff caused if they asked me about it I wouldn't know what to instead I rambled on and on about why i wanted to become a doctor...which turned out to be a good thing cause then they didn't have to ask me cause everything they needed to know was already in there....they asked pretty basic questions...about the family and what school I was from etc...etc..and a couple of questions based on what I wrote...

Then at the end one of em' sez "okay thank you Sonia...I can see you're very excited to go to India'...I was totally taken off guard and went..."ahhhh ya!"(not so enthusiastically...I mean after all it's India??) ...she smiled and said.."we'll send you the offer letter soon or I'll give you a call so you can come pick it up since you stay nearby" still in a daze answered.."yeah ahhh sure okay...thank you"..I dunno I must have said thank you 5 times!...and that was I really am not sure what an "offer letter"..implies...I hope it's good! Oh well...whatever works for me am not picky:)

So yeah that's about all that's going on...I warned you that I was boring!!....and oh yeah I was listening to a little bit of case you don't already know it's that 90's grunge band with Kurt Cobain..

and Dave Grohl who is now the front man of Foo fighters...with that famous song.."SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT"..ring a bell???...okie as you know Kurt blowed his head off years ago...okay that was a little harsh...I mean committed suicide because he was getting too famous...anyway we miss him dearly...but i just came across a little piece of him...he's daughter!!...and I can't believe how old she is!!! she's my bro's age!! are a few pics;)

as a baby with Kurt......

and her now on the cover of Harper's bazaar!!!

I'd say she got her looks from her dad and not from druggish looking mom courtney love (yishh!)...well okay she did clean up!

Whatever it is ...I can't believe she's cobain's little girl...that shows how fast time flies by...geez!

till the..TTFN:)