Saturday, January 31, 2009

It waz my place....DO NOT make it yours!!!

How would you describe my place residences???...grotesque? gross? nasty? icky? sick??...well in short all of that and much more...this piece of hell waz where i waz forced 2 stay for a year and a half when completing my A levels in Subang...sorry i didn't post this earlier thnx 2 d min0r mishap I had with my laptop bt as promised here it is....these are d original pics I took wit my phone...

If ur wonderin? yes it's tap water and yes it's flowing into the washing machine along with all sorts of sludge....and when we drained it into the drain even the cockroaches scurried out of drain...I think we had ourselves a pretty solid reason as to why our clothes remained unwashed for weeks! ummm... we did complain along with d rest of my place's residents bt as expected nothing was done about the bath water is just as dirty and plus it has this foul sort of either rusty or putrid smell depending on how dirty the water is...

This one is the bathroom area with some kind of mould growing on the sink and under d soap dish and u obviously would nt wanna hang ur towel on that rusty bar! disgusting!!

Haha..yes the trash....don't get me wrong it's nt that we deliberately make a mess...i've tried my best to make it more cleaner...even bought a freakin dustbin on my own expense bt sumhow it juz seems to pile up...well actually we pay them to clean the hse and take out the trash every since there waz too much trash I would occasionally take it and throw it out let me tell u it waz nt pretty...once as I waz carrying the trash out I felt like there waz sum ants crawling up my hands....when I looked down I saw.....MAGGOTS!!!....owh gross!!!. I waz half way thru the living room so I couldn't juz drop the trash down so I started squashing those icky things coz I didn't want them gettin into my clothes...the second time I waz takin out the trash wit cassie nt realising that sum1 threw a half open bottle of coke into the bin so as we carried it out coke spilt all over the living room floor which made it sticky after we wiped it off....lucky for us we wore home slippers...God knows wat germs would get into our feet otherwise!!!

This waz my room (Thank God!!)...and check it out when they were fixing the fan they didn't really take good measurements did they???....this waz a real scary experience for me...when I first came in I had no idea that this waz so...and while unpacking I opened the top cupboard without offing the fan(luckily the speed waz on low)...n KABOONG!!!!! first instinct waz to run out of the room in fear that the fan might fall onto me which it didn't phewww! close call! it waz totally bent out of shape so I waz forced to get a new one fixed!!!....this waz nt the first time that this has happened....a girl who waz previously in the room got into the same mess and had to replace the fan...I waz thinking since it was those 'my place' idiots who fixed the new fans twice...why couldn't they do something about the placement of the fan or maybe actually warn us of the danger when they were giving us the "grand" tour of the apartment??? .....maybe they got some kind of cheap trill from watchin' students make the same mistakes again and again...ughh SADISTS!!! for the light it never got fixed until I waz finally leaving the apartment although I followed their stupid procedure of filling out a complaint form months ago!.....I swear I never wanna have to step foot into that apartment ever again! EVER!

It has been mths now and haven't refunded my deposit of RM1, my mom called up the office to give them a piece of her mind!!!....they were like " oh...ahh wait ahhh let me check...oh okay ah miss....we juz send to u the check lo". ...I think if my mom didn't inquire the cheque would have never arrived in the first PLEASE ...I URGE YOU! if ur plannin 2 study at Taylor's....DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT stay at MY PLACE!!....TTFN;)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Oh Well...

A-levels is such a rip off I swear...I should have done a more easier course like the Canadian pre-u or Australian matriculation where u don't have to put all ur eggs in one basket and hope that u ace ur finals...hmmm maybe i waz brain-washed from school in to thinkin' that exams are the only way to go since coursework and mini tests did not count for your final grade....arghhh damn u Malaysian schools and ur lousy system!!...I think back and really I should have juz put up with all that coursework and stuff so that my finals did nt account for 100% of my grades!!

Well wats done is done!!! jeez man when i started this course i waz an optimistic and bright-eyed 17 year i'm a disgruntled 19 year old well almost 20!!!! I'm old dude!!! robbed two years of my life!!!! well not all regrets there I made some lovely friends along the way who went thru the same shit that I went thru but i guessed whatever we went thru did make us a little stronger and a hell of a lot more cautious about our decisions in life!!

See for those of y'all who don't already know there are two parts to the A-level examinations...first is the AS exams which I did earlier last year which accounts for 50% of the final grade and second is the A2 exams which i did later last year which is the remaining 50% of the grades and all this done over a span of one and a half years in Malaysia....when people in other countries do it in two years!! which I think is pretty unfair because it gives them an extra 6 months to prepare for their A2 which is generally much tougher than AS exams....and it is silly because i started in July 07' and my AS waz in May thru June 08' this gave us roughly about 11 months to study for our AS exams which I think waz more than enough time.....however it only gave us about 4 months to study for our A2 which mind u waz a billion times more harder what more wit us re cooperating from the exhaustion of having done one major exam....simply ludicrous!!!!

As for my AS results.... I got an A for each Chemistry, Biology and Math and a B for my Thinking Skills which waz enough for any sane human to be overjoyed somehow I wasn't to only added to the stress of the A2 exams cause now I had to figure a way in which to maintain those stupid results in just 4 months!!! and let me tell u it waz pure i never have high expectations so when i finally got my final grades last week I waz thrilled to say the least ...I scored an A for bio (haha in ur face miss Charmaine...she's my bio t'cher whom i absolutely hate for her childish behaviour...anime fetish and violent mood swings...boy wat a psycho!! and she prob hates me as well and gave me an E for my trials!!)..and a B for Math and Chem which means I dropped a grade for each but it waz expected coz the papers were hard....wat is the rip off u ask?? well the fact that other countries in Europe get an easier version of the paper which makes it whole lot easier for them to maintain they're A grade and way more difficult for us Asians for some reason...anyway I'm happy bt I feel bad for some of my friends who really needed that A to get into top universities with ridiculous entry requirements.

As for my future I've given up on the prospect of doing medicine....not because my results were not good enough or anything cause there are always for the simple fact that it waz gonna take way too long and it's actually a life changing decision concerning my future so I thought long and hard weighing the pros and cons of the profession and finally came to a conclusion in which I figured that medicine is not the way to go for I'm actually considering biomedical science in Canada...or sumthin else to do with does nt really drive me because I value job satisfaction more....prob I always wanted to become doctor becoz i thought it was always a safer profession but I now choose to take the road less travelled and see what life has in store for me....oh well it can't all be that bad rite??....till then TTFN;)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

You have to wonder...

For sure we already know the widely popularised song "viva la vida" by coldplay taken of their album of the same did u ever think that they would ever be filed for copyright infringement??....Recently world renowned guitarist Joe Satriani did so claiming that the song includes "substantial original portions" of the Satriani song "If I Could Fly" from his 2004 album "Is there love in space"


If you don't already know Satriani is well-known as a kick ass guitarist who trained some of todays guitar prodigies such as Steve Vai (bottom) and Kirk Hammett of Metallica(top).....but wow he has the guts to sue coldplay...haha good luck buddy...

Here are the videos of the be the judge.... for me does it sound exactly the same??..well nope juz the chorus I think bt still sumthin 2 ponder upon..... and fyi it took me so freakin long 2 figure out hw 2 put these videos in becoz i'm so nt tech tada!! here it is and I'll give myself a lil' pat on the back for effort;)

"If I could Fly" by Joe Satriani

"viva la vida" by Coldplay

Okaylah!....I think that's about all I can think of for now... today is prob gonna be shity...coz I have to attend another one of those 3 hour IELTS workshops and at midnight I'm gonna find that I really have no yeah it pretty much sucks to be me rite about now bt hey don't let my pessimistic ways dampen ur sunshiny day...and pls smile always there's nothing uglier than a sourpuss;)TTFN ....oh and u would prob notice that there is a long stretch of empty space after this post...well juz so you know I dunno why it's there...dunno how to get rid of it and basically gave up in trying...hehe...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

We all gotta bounce...

I'm sooo very sad dad is leavin for kuwait 2moro after a whole 6 weeks wit me...I tried 2 persuade him 2 stay although i knew it waz impossible since he's already gt the ticket and all....I juz noe d hse is gonna be so quiet once he's gone...nobody there 2 wake me up early in the mornin' wit breakfast ready more crazy suprises or sudden trips 2 kl or trips in the evening 2 look for fresh more fresh supply of fruits although the ciku's he gave me 2day had a few worms in it...well we both ate it n i feel fine so far...(well of course i threw the rest of it away the moment i noticed the worms in it!...yucks!)....hehe I waz so engrossed in American Idol so I waz almost halfway thru when my mom noticed them wiggling in the fruit!

Oh ya if u watched 2 u would have seen JASON CASTRO(omg he's sooo cute)...can't say much 4 he's bro tho bt they've both gt talent;)...As 4 me I'll be leavin 4 kl on sunday coz my dad made me go for the IELTS classes from monday to thurs...I dun mind as long as I can meet up wit Chand and gang:)...I miss u guyz i hope u guyz r still around!!!....As 4 Nigel he's finally goin bak 2 skool afta a 4 day vacation...courtesy of the measles(God I hope I dun get it)...Anyway dats all for nw....TTFN;)...sorry my blogs r very short coz my mom grubles dat spend 2 much time on the com......