Friday, September 25, 2009

That's All I needed To Know

This message is truly inspirational in my current predicament....Thank you Lord

On this day of your life, Sonia, we believe God wants you to know ... wealth does not come from your bank account, wealth comes from the depth of your heart.

What you really want is happiness. You might believe that a fat bank account will get you there, but that's false. Happy people are happy rich or poor, unhappy people are unhappy rich or poor. Money simply masks your real being by giving you activities to occupy your mind. Don't fool yourself, recession or not, your true wealth comes from your heart and is always only thereut that's false. Happy people are happy rich or poor, unhappy people are unhappy rich or poor. Money simply masks your real being by giving you activities to occupy your mind. Don't fool yourself, recession or not, your true wealth comes from your heart and is always only there.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Clue????

On facebook there's this application called "God wants you to know..." and what it does every day is send you a sort of inspirational message from God and it starts of "On this day of your life, Sonia, we believe God wants you to know...."...and I tought it's kinda cool and I need some sorta inspiration cause I feel really bummed out at the fact that I'm gonna leave my family next week and go off to India for medicine....and so I got this one today... could it be a clue??

"On this day of your life, Sonia, we believe God wants you to know... ... that work begins when you don't like what you are doing.
Little children can do the most amazing things with such joy and fun. You were little once too, and knew how to turn everything into a game. So, turn your work into a game, and you will find joy and satisfaction in it. What are some ways you can start being playful with work?"

sounds good to me....

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stop Overs

This just in...I will be stopping over in Colombo, Sri Lanka for a day...and another stop over at Dubai before reaching Kuwait....and the same when coming back to Malaysia;)

Goodbye Malaysia for a week!

Today I'm off to Kuwait for a week to get my dad's stuff sorted out...which means I won't be in Malaysia from the 23rd till the 31st...which means it's the second time I celebrate my b'day away from Malaysia, the first being my 1st b'day in Jordan...and now my 20th in Kuwait....yeah I know I'm old nt a teeneger anymore:(...but will be back just in time for my mom's and Malaysia's b'day!!!...If you wanna see me will be around from the 1st till 10th september then I'm off yet again to Indai but this time it will be for 6 months....ah oh well...gotta keep myself busy;)...Till then ta-ta!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I guess it was fate ..I was not meant to lose this phone just couldn't imagine my relief when I found it...I practically turned my house upside down just to find it ....took me three days but alas I found it...and that day was special;)

Why special...well some of you may believe some of you may not...but I always did being a see we believe in saints and each particular saint has his special gift to help us this instance it would be St. Anthony who is known as the finder of lost great grandmother had always told my grandmother ever since she was little that whenever she loses or misplaces something precious to pray to St. Anthony for help and this my grandmother taught my mom and my mom passed it onto me...and I can honestly say that none of my prayers have gone unanswered...every time I lose something this special prayer always helps me find it and in the most unlikely of all places...the places we probably searched a thousand times...but something always tells you to go check again...or maybe it just appears out of nowhere... literally!

My mom once told me that when she was younger that she had lost a fifty dollar note (mind you that was big money back in the time)...she looked all over and couldn't find it and she had been many places with the money so it could have fallen down as she was sitting in her porch all of a sudden there was this gust of wind and a piece of paper slapped her right across her face... low and behold it was the fifty dollar note!!...amaizing! for the phone I could swear that I looked in every possible place I could think off...then all of a sudden my uncle asked me too go check my room but I told him that I had already done it tonnes of times....but the phone was no where in sight..

He told me to do it anyway because he had a strong feeling that it was I looked through my cupboard...cleared my bed...dressing name it...but still no sight of the phone...but in my head I kept repeating the prayers to St. Anthony in hopes that it would show up...then as I was leaving the room my attention turned to the small laundry basket my mom keeps in the corner of my room where she stores the hangers and socks but I was thinking no way it could be in there I don't even touch it...but i checked anyway...and to my surprise as I lifted up a bunch of socks my hand phone fell right into the palm of my heart stopped!!!...I couldn't believe it...and the most special thing about that day is that it was the day we Catholics celebrated the feast of St. Anthony...I am so grateful that he answered my prayers yet again...but yes I did learn a valuable lesson about being a little more responsible with my stuff and where I put them;)...p/s : the pic above is of St. Anthony carrying little baby Jesus...too cute!! we have the same statue in church!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Another one of those things I have to let go... I guess...

I am so very upset today I searched the whole house and still could not find my phone...I accidentaly left it in the house before i went off to KL for a couple of days and when I got back it was gone just like that!...i try to call it but it always goes to my voicemail...I don't know if it's stolen or just lost somewhere in the house???...I hope I get it back because it was a present to me from my dad and one of my favourite one's too...I couldn't bear the tought of losing it!!!...Still keeping my fingers crossed..and hoping that I'd eventually find it:)

Monday, August 10, 2009

My Hero

It has been two weeks since my dad has left me...I didn't have the strength to pen it down..but i have picked up enough courage to say it now..I swear life is not the same...a million things remind me of him...and if I have to express my grieve i do it by myself because I have to remain a "rock" for my mother, brother and's not easy but it's a task that i would willingly undertake because I love these three more than life times I question why?...but then I believe God has he's plans and everything happens for a reason...I am spiritual and I believe in life after death so NO my dad is not truly gone...I am grateful for the time i had with my dad this past year...never have I had the chance to spend that much time with him...the most I got to spend him if ever before this was a month and yet I see him in everything...I know my dad would never want me to be sad and knowing that he is in a better place truly makes me happy...he has been a very good, kind and compassionate person on earth and will get his due reward in Heaven I believe...I was right there by his side right till the very end and the one thing I could remember was how peaceful he was as he gently passed on and I knew that at that moment he had abandoned all life's worries and day I wish to have the same and I believe at that moment is when we will meet again:)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

~A Little Message~

For those of you who have viewed my recent status updates on're probably puzzled as to why I'm in hospital...and just to clear the I have not been admitted but rather my father has been for the past week!...I would not go into detail to explain the reasons but he is not doing to well and I have been staying over to take care of him and don't worry about me I am doing this time I would appreciate your prayers for my dad's speedy recovery..thank you very much=)

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I have so many posts to complete but don't have the time haha....I started on this tag by Hannah and then got interrupted and totally forgot bout's past midnight but yeah I' totally free..yay! here goes;)

1.Besides your lips, where is the favorite spot to get kissed??
>> Geez I bout the hand...u noe in that prince charming style...wait nope...that's nt it...hickies?? too boring...well we'll just have to wait see;)

2.How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
>> I can't even remember....oh yeah I probably did not want to...nigel was of to church camp so i had no one to irritate...and that makes me happy sooo I guess I was sad???

3.Who was the last person/people you took a photo with?with Justina?
>> One of my dad's weird relatives came to visit and thought it would be fun to take a pic of me and my dad in which case he got really annoyed being camera shy and asked her to stop...haha

4.Would you consider yourself spoiled?
>>Not by choice

5.Will you ever donate blood?
>> Nope but I should I'm an O+...oh yeah the real good stuff=)

6.Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
>> I wouldn't say best friend...just an acquaintance like any other all friends are special in their own way;)

7.Do you want someone to be dead?
>> Oh dear Lord NO!...I do hate but never sincerely wish they were dead!

8.What does your last text message say?
>> Can't remember it's been ages since I've seen my phone haha..

9.What are u thinking right now?
>> Right after mom falls asleep I'm gonna take over the tele and play "bully"...while greedily midnight snacking on Rocky...hehe

10. Do you want someone to be with you now?
>> Yes!! Nigel please I'm bored!

11.What was the time you went to bed last night?
>> Bout I normally do...well that counts as morning so no I didn't go to sleep last night..haha

12.Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
>> Mydin...the Malaysian version of Tesco

13.Is someone on your mind right now?
>> Michael Jackson...:(

14.Who was the last person to text you?
>> Celcom reminding me to pay my bill

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz...
>>Anyone who comes across this tag...that is if you want to

16. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
>> Male duhhh...he's my dad what were you thinking?

17. If no. 7 and and no. 1 get together, would it be good?
>> Uhmmm I guess not?

18. What is no. 10 studying about?
>>He's studying...??...SPM...the most useless exam evcr...wish I could relieve him of his misery..

19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
>> Yesterday

20. Is no. 4 single?
>> I won't lie yes...but I love it=)

21.Say something about no. 2.
>> She needs to get her sodding ass outta bed and do something with her life!

22.What do you think about no. 2 and no. 6 being together?

23.Describe no. 9.
>> A master plan that's still pending

24. What will you do if no. 6 and no. 7 fight?
>> Too lazy to scroll up to see haha

25. Do you like no.8?
>> Yes I do sorry I don't spend much time with you:(


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Innocence Lost

The world is just so nasty isn't it..somehow people take pleasure in other people's misfortune...when someone living a seemingly perfect life takes a fall they go like.."huh!...there you go I told you they weren't perfect...hahaha...they have a sucky life...yay!! now I can rest in peace" me growing up I've met a lot of idiots like these that just make me sick!! and I'm still meeting them along the way!....people are not all nice and sweet they have "evil"...feelings about you..just full of "the green-eyed monster"....

By now even if you don't watch the show Jon and kate plus'd have already heard of Jon and Kate Gosselin and the supposed "affair" that Jon had with some mindless's publicised for the world to see...every tiny bit of detail...I mean come on every family has problems and this one could have been dealt with by the couple in a more private and personal matter but the media pounced on them relentlessly bringing out accusations after accusations....and somehow although this whole problem was started by Jon they somehow managed to turn the story around and make Kate the "monster mom"..calling her money greedy and all sorts....I mean put the pieces together people if you had eight kids you need to have money to support them...duh!..they probably started the show to help them out financially because adjusting to a life with 8 little kids with income from only one spouse is not enough to cut it .

Now that the media has sort of succesfully torn this family to shreds....they just won't leave Kate and the kids alone...I mean hey leave her alone...if she wants to work and find money the best way she knows how for her kids....then just leave her to it....afterall her sodding hubby is probably out fehking( xcuse my language) his blow up bimbo...go mess with him instead....think of the kids what kind of life of life will they have being constantly hounded by the paps....should they even know what paps are I mean they're only 5!!! now that everybody is siiting back and enjoying the mess they've made by destroying this family have they evenntaken a second to think about the and dad are living apart...why???...why are there sooo many people taking pics of us???...why do people stare at us like that??? what have they done to deserve this??...why don't we see aunt Jodi and uncle Kevin anymore??? (oh and did I mention that even Kate's bro and sis-in-law are backstabbing her..because they don't get a fair share of money??...unbelievable)

It's just so sad I've been watching this kids grow for years and this is what it has come to because of nosey people who won't stay out of other ppls business???....all I can say is I feel bad for the kids...having to be in a broken home at such a tender age...just hope that everything gets better for them...fingers are some pics in case you don't know them..sorry for overloadin but they're just so cute...I had to post tonnes;)

The kiddies:
The older twins Cara and Mady

Mady Kate Gosselin:

Cara Nicole Gosselin:

The Sextuplets;)

The boys:
Joel Kevin Gosselin:

Collin Thomas Gosselin:

Aaden Jonathan Gosselin:

The Girls:
Alexis Faith Gosselin:

Hannah Joy Gosselin:

Leah Hope Gosselin:

The Gosselin Family:


Thursday, June 11, 2009

~Keen eye for the right guy~

I know this is sooo random but was just roughly browsing and came across this picture of Robert Plant's son Logan Plant

and the for some reason the first thing that crossed my mind was wow he looks like the ideal Prince of Persia...minus the curly hairdo (I think he gets that from he's dad..haha)

(you know that game rite?? anyways they're making it into a movie and it will be out next year)...I think he looks more like the prince instead of Jake Gyllenhaal.
..i guess I would make a better casting director..haha just a thought;)...ohh the things a bored mind can conjure up...till then TTFN;)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

We come from the land of the ice and snow.....from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow..........

Oklah...heh..I know I should be grateful and lucky for getting to go do medicine...but in India??? could be a better cuz just gave me a heads up on the area...and I think it's gonna be pretty dull...ugh! malls?? tv??...vegetarian food??...with the exception of fast food joints of course...( happy though that there is subway and they deliver food to your doorstep...and there is BACON!!)...but otherwise my cuz said that it was like eh...boring!...blah!.

See there was a small thingy that had to be done before I could get my visa...cause my dad paid the i had one last thing to do which was send this application form to IPT( idk wat it stands for I think Institut Pengajian Tinggi???...whatever)...bottom line I had to get it approved in order to go to India...if I didn't the college would refund the full amount and I get rejected...okay I know that this is bad but I kinda felt that I'd be indifferent regardless of the outcome..heheh...I thought if I get rejected I still had my options open and didn't have to go to India...but if I got it I feel great cause my future was all planned out and I at least know what I was gonna do with my life!...( heh...stupid rite??..I know I'm weird like that;) anyways I called them and guess what it yeah I didn't know how to feel...I'm happy but yet not over the moon happy...just eh happy..

Oh well so I'm soooo going to India this sept leaving the comforts of home and home cooked food and trading it for complete isolation and hardcore studying...but hey at least the outcome is good .....fingers crossed...oh yeah I forgot to mention that my approximate year of completion is 2015...most of my friends will be done by then...already working and settled down with a family...ugh oh well...all for the good of the people...we'll hve to see...i mite reconsider...

And you thought I was gonna just waste my free time...heck no! know how guitar hero is only meant for PS3...well I have a PS2 so I got one compatible for this console...and a pretty rocking V (fake) guitar..It's so cute along with it...OMG it's the coolest thing I know why people love it sooo's addictive...I can stop..and mind you it's not as easy as it looks...I currently a playing Guitar Hero..."Rock The 90's " which I love and "World Tour"

but of course I really wanna get "Legends of Rock"

....but I need to get a USB microphone for that which I can get...but I can't have the ultimate all time must have."Guitar Hero METALLICA"...because it only can be played on PS3...I hope they make one compatible for PS2...please God please!!!!!

or "Guitar hero Led Zeppelin"...ahhhhh dream!!!

....well I got some more to write...but am going to KL...yes KL!!! I gotta get packed...TTFN...peeple!!!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

~This week in review~ sad cause adam didn't win...dunno why coz he was so awesome for the finale....haiz...I was soooo sure...I even got my cousins in America and Canada to vote and they were tuning in this was kinda like one of the best finale's I've ever seen on AI...can you imagine KISS was there...yeah lke Gene freakin Simmons and he's long tongue...Ace Frehley and he performed with them awesome...then he and Kris performed with Queen...and Adam totally owned but oklah he had the chops for that...he sounds a lot like the late Freddy Mercury and I think would make an uber cool replacement!!!

Well I also liked kris performance with Keith Urban(yum!)...was nice to...but country is not really my genre and stuff...yeah most of the peeps I know wanted Kris to win...including my dad...guess Adam's shrieking doesn't please all parties ...oh well:(

I was just browsing through Perez...and I found this pic of Matilda Ledger and guess wat??...check this out Omg the resemblance is uncanny!!!

Heath Ledger is not dead ya'll:)

Oh yeah my dad suprised me with an unecessary new car today...well he actually traded the second hand wira for a Gen 2...which is in "Hibiscus Tea colour" what??? lah!!!

Here are some pics

the interior;)

kinda sporty but very powerful and liteweight...easy to handle...well that's all...and btw in advance ....I liked to wish my sweet Hannah "A happy Happy B'day"...see in advance so I'm the first to wish you although your b'day is next tues...sorry hun I can't make it cause my dad's b'day is on the 25th....but am confirmed to be comin' up to KL next weekend!!!

Have a smashing weekend y'all..TTFN;)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Idol...Idol...Idol! you watch it??

I've been watching american idol..since forever....and I've never been more pumped up to watch this show than I am now...okay everybody has they're favourite...for my mom it's Danny

Gokey...cause he looks like actor Robert Downey Jr....who my mom sooo adores!!

( btw...gokey is the one to the the left...)

well she did like anoop desai at first...but now he's gone...awww...

Hannah banana...likes cutie Kris Allen...

but I absolutely love ADAM LAMBERT!!!...if he were to make an album I'd seriously buy it...well actually I'd download his songs cause I'm short on dough...and the economy well sucks so yeah!!........his voice amaizing...that whole rock and roll he rocks at motown and slow numbers too!!!...his voice is a little like...Robert plant...come Axl Rose-ish...Freddy Mercury!!!...a perfect mix!!!

Although he may be...ahemm...but hey freddy mercury was bisexual...and elton was gay!!!...but they're legends!! still don't believe me...well listen to these and compare him to the original!!! crazy amaizing!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Finally something...

Hey all...sorry I never seem to be able to fill the blog with any stuff...not that I don't have anything I'm just lazy as since I'm sooo terribly bored today, I finally decided to get my lazy ass off the sofa and walk approximately 5 giant steps into the kitchen where the laptop is ( I know what your thinking not a good place for a laptop after my whole water incident) but my dad insists that it should be kept here for the convenience of others who wanna use MY here I am giving' my phalanges due exercise...I wonder if I can still hold a pen straight?...geez

So well...firstly staying at home is not exactly easy peezy lemon squeezy...I gotta work as in do the dishes and other household chores...actually I don't mind it, just that currently there are three males(no offence) staying in the house so they leave a lot of mess around...and they hardly ever wash their dishes and stuff...well I'll xcuse my dad coz he's still not well...speaking of that...I am mostly helping my dad...and driving him around coz he's still too weak to drive and he had to get a couple of blood transfusions coz he's hemoglobin level s I sometimes spend up to 6 hours in the hospital which is pretty cool but at times killer boring..honestly speaking I don't really like doctors..they're a little too stuck up and they charge too much for just consultations which really makes me wonder if they really love the profession or whether they're just in it for the money...I dunno bout local GP's...coz I was at the specialist centre so they were mostly specialists.....

Some of them are too greedy I think because they try to get as many patients as possible booked into one day that it's almost impossible to get through all of them...this doc told my dad to come at 8 in the morning and when we got there there were about another 20 odd patients waiting there turn...that they actually asked us to take a number! wtf?...then what's the main idea of making an appointment..I really felt bad for my dad...he was forced to get up early although he was really tired and he was scheduled for an endoscopy after the appointment so he had to starve from the day before...and by the time he got to us it was already 11...senseless??...don't they realize that they are treating the sick and not random people??? while waiting I brought my dad for a walk around the hospital and went to check out my most fav place the NURSERY!!!....I love to see the newborns cause they're firstly so adorable and innocent some of them less than a couple of hours old...with no idea how shity, difficult and harsh the world is...I so envy them!

I have always wanted to get a job involving infants or little my options were to either be a kindie teacher, nurse or dad disagreed with the first two...and he wanted me to be a doctor...I don't mind it but I dread the long hours and as I mentioned above I don't like em'...but I get to be around kiddies which I would love if I did specialize in paediatrics or maybe gynaecology anyway I applied to Manipal recently which makes sense coz the college is right in front of my house so I don't have to pay for lodging for the final three years...but for the first two years I'd be in some place called I don't know where that is but I guess it should be's only two years which is approximately the same amount of time I spent at least I hope i done end up in anotha "my place " ...that would kill me seriously!!

So I got the interview letter last week which was a good thing coz the admin lady said that it meant that I was about 90% sure of getting a place but still needed the interview to confirm it though...and I was so sure that I was gonna screw it up because I'm not a good talker and I might reach a point where I might just run out of words and stare blankly at the interviewer which would be a total I am a total noob when it comes to interviews.....I was totally lucky that one of nigel's friend's mom was in charge of admissions and she gave me a couple of tips for the interview....basically I had to write an essay about myself in an I was thinking.....and realised that my life was pretty boring..coz i was not an athlete or I couldn't bullshit some random stuff caused if they asked me about it I wouldn't know what to instead I rambled on and on about why i wanted to become a doctor...which turned out to be a good thing cause then they didn't have to ask me cause everything they needed to know was already in there....they asked pretty basic questions...about the family and what school I was from etc...etc..and a couple of questions based on what I wrote...

Then at the end one of em' sez "okay thank you Sonia...I can see you're very excited to go to India'...I was totally taken off guard and went..."ahhhh ya!"(not so enthusiastically...I mean after all it's India??) ...she smiled and said.."we'll send you the offer letter soon or I'll give you a call so you can come pick it up since you stay nearby" still in a daze answered.."yeah ahhh sure okay...thank you"..I dunno I must have said thank you 5 times!...and that was I really am not sure what an "offer letter"..implies...I hope it's good! Oh well...whatever works for me am not picky:)

So yeah that's about all that's going on...I warned you that I was boring!!....and oh yeah I was listening to a little bit of case you don't already know it's that 90's grunge band with Kurt Cobain..

and Dave Grohl who is now the front man of Foo fighters...with that famous song.."SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT"..ring a bell???...okie as you know Kurt blowed his head off years ago...okay that was a little harsh...I mean committed suicide because he was getting too famous...anyway we miss him dearly...but i just came across a little piece of him...he's daughter!!...and I can't believe how old she is!!! she's my bro's age!! are a few pics;)

as a baby with Kurt......

and her now on the cover of Harper's bazaar!!!

I'd say she got her looks from her dad and not from druggish looking mom courtney love (yishh!)...well okay she did clean up!

Whatever it is ...I can't believe she's cobain's little girl...that shows how fast time flies by...geez!

till the..TTFN:)